Hello to all enthusiastic entrepreneurs! In these times where everything has a price, finding a free place is like discovering a treasure. We know that there are some places that offer activities at no cost, but how about having a complete coworking space to give free rein to our ideas and projects?
Today I want to tell you about Oviedo Emprende, located in one of the most beautiful areas of Spain. Here, in this place full of innovation and creativity, you will have the perfect environment to make your startups and ventures a reality. I invite you to join this exciting interview!
I tell you where and what you can find in Oviedo emprende.
What is Oviedo Emprende?
Oviedo Emprende is an initiative of the City Council of Oviedo aimed at companies and entrepreneurs that aims to help them adapt to current needs and new business models based on the intensive use of information and communication technologies and innovation, based on a new model of support to entrepreneurs, personalized business counseling itineraries and under the principles of collaboration and cooperation of economic and social agents of the territory, involved in its development.
What is the target?
The City Council of Oviedo faces the challenge of proposing a new model of support for entrepreneurs based on new methodologies and ways of working, overcoming the traditional models that have proven not to be able to react with the speed and efficiency that the new times require, as well as to promote the consolidation of an entrepreneurial culture.
Which coworking spaces do you have?
The TALUD de la Ería Coworking Space and the Vivarium, the Health Sciences Incubator, have been created for you to develop your project within true entrepreneurial ecosystems. In unique workplaces, under a formula of collaboration, cooperation and mutual development and with all the facilities at your disposal, you have at your disposal a space to work, regardless of the stage of the project in which you are.
What are your hours?
Our schedule is designed for you to organize your work in a comfortable and efficient way.
We are from Monday to Thursday: 8.30h-20.00h and Fridays: 8.00h – 15.00h.
What services do you offer?
We have free Wifi, we are a hot seat coworking, this means that there are no fixed positions or assigned places, so choose your favorite area and trust your intuition. We have meeting rooms which we advise you to book in advance. You can use the common work space with no minimum or maximum number of hours.
We have printing service, lockers, monitor, battery… We look forward to your inquiry.
Can I eat at the TALUD?
You can bring your own food, we have an office area with everything you need to keep or heat your food. You also have restaurant options very close to the offices.
Do you do Networkings?
Yes, sometimes we do Networkings, workshops and trainings. For all this we have a space that coexists with remote work.
What else can we find at the TALUD?
Oviedo Emprende offers training and / or personalized support through the service of advice on strategy and business model.
Advice on strategy and business model. ICT advice. Start-up and processing. Expert advice. These are some of the areas we offer accompaniment.
Is it really free of charge?
Oviedo Emprende’s training initiatives and events are of vital importance to provide you with the resources, skills and knowledge to develop your project effectively and increase your network of contacts.
All activities are free and open access, although it is necessary to register in advance in each of the activities you want to attend.
Oviedo Emprende says:
“Entrepreneurship is the engine of development and collaboration is the energy that moves it”.
To this end, Oviedo Emprende is committed to the development of new itineraries that favor the creativity and learning of the entrepreneur, placing themselves in an environment of uncertainty and questioning the business model permanently to find viable, investable and scalable solutions to the problems to which they try to respond through constant iteration.
Visit his website.
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